cod. 1602031009

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Soft cream based on waxes, for the finishing of footwear or any other leather item (excluding suede and patent leather). Enhance the original characteristics of the leather, giving inimitable shine, softness and touch. It can be used both to standardize the color, where necessary, and to give the leather an aged effect.

Item thumbnail 1602031009 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.VARI
Item thumbnail 1602031009,1 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.1 NEUTRAL
Item thumbnail 1602031009,10 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG.5 COL.10DARK BROWN
Item thumbnail 1602031009,11 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.11MED BROWN
Item thumbnail 1602031009,2 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.2 BLACK
Item thumbnail 1602031009,41 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.41 DUSKY BR
Item thumbnail 1602031009,55 MELTONIAN TIPO -S- KG. 5 COL.55 IVORY

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